A block of 60 rooms has been reserved at the Staunton Holiday Inn Golf & Conference Center. When making reservations, alumni should identify themselves as SMA. Rooms are blocked until two weeks prior.Registration for the reunion must be received by 23 July. A $10 late fee will be added after that. Registration Fees: $90 Adult; $60 Teens; $25 Kids under 12. Registration forms are in the March issue of the Kablegram.be mailed to the SMA Alumni Association office at:
Name ____________________________________________________
Guest name(s)______________________________________________
Mail completed form to:
9:00 AM: Board of Directors' Meeting
2:00 - 6:00 PM: Registration (Refreshments)
6:00 PM: Opening Reception (Cash Bar)
7:00 PM: Cook Out
Saturday, July 28, 2001
9:00 - 11:00 AM: Membership Meeting
11:00 AM - Noon: Board Meeting
12:30 PM: Kable Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Thornrose Cemetery
1:15 PM: SMA-VWIL Museum Dedication and Reception on the Hill
6:00 PM: Banquet Reception (Cash Bar)
7:00 PM: Annual Banquet (Supper, Awards, Speeches, Auction)
Sunday, July 29, 2001