Modeling Photography

Monitor brightness right?  Adjust brightness down so that the black square on the far right of the scale at left just appears dark and dense and not at all washed out--a true black.  The gray next to it should then appear a darker gray, and the next gray square lighter (somewhere between the two is the same as a Kodak gray card), and so on until the square on the far left, which should be the only one appearing true, bright white.  Adjust contrast through the range until any flare or blooming is just negated or until screen has proper punch.  Eliminate screen glare sources.  Pictures should now appear rich and fully saturated.

Publish your photos and bio on the World Wide Web! Or be more intimate.

All negatives, transparancies and the rights thereto remain the property of Silkscape Arts/Silkstrand Photography unless specifically contracted for by the client or agency.

Schedule your session with confidence

Silkstrand Photography
Since 1982

Modeling, Portrait, & Intimate Photography
Arts & Stage

Parties Weddings Mitzvahs
FX Enhancements Restorations

Serving the Cincinnati Tri-State Area
Northbrook Reading
Erlanger Covington


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